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Karndean LVT
Home / Products / FRP Gratings
Multi Purpose, Bi-Directional, Economical Gratings
Vessels & Rigs, Work Platforms & Walkways, Trenches & Sump Covers, Machine Guards, etc
Wheel Traffic and Heavy Loading Areas, Including Fire Engines, Lorries and Forklifts
Forklift Traffic, Ambulance/Fire Engine Parking Bays & other Wheel Traffic Areas
Strong, Level Surface for Foot or Wheel Traffic, Prevents Contamination/Odors
Trenches & Sumps, Work Platforms
Convenient Enhancement to Existing Stairways for Increased Slip Resistance.
Concrete, Wood, FRP Staircases
Long Support Span General Purpose Gratings
Gardens & Parks, Platforms & Walkways, Bridges
Exceptional Fire Resistance to Withstand Flame without Burning or Compromise to Structural Integrity
Oil Rigs & Vessel Escape Routes
Light Weight and Chemical Resistant
Chemical Areas, Trenches & Sumps
Chemical Resistant Ladders and Safety Cages
Chemical Areas
Chemical Resistant Handrails and Guardrails
Work Platforms